Friday, February 14, 2014

Career Change At 50

Three tips to support your blogging career change at 50

Making the decision to shift away from your old career and really embrace a blogging career change at 50 can be more than a little bit nerve-racking – and filled with all kinds of bumps in the road, hassles, and headaches unless you pay close attention to the three tips included below.

Not only are blogging platforms becoming easier and easier to use on an almost daily basis, but the level of competition as far as content and personalities are concerned continues to rise at the same rate. You really need to be smart and savvy about this career change at 50 if you are to enjoy the results you are looking for.
Here’s how to maximize your chances for success!

Blogging alone won’t pay the bills

The most important thing that you need to realize about this career change at 50 is that you need to be smart and savvy about how you monetize your readership and traffic that you drive thanks to a killer blog.
Too terribly many people out there have fallen into the trap of believing that writing on a regular basis is going to pay off in the long run, falling victim to the “if you build it, they will come” mentality. Sure, that works when we’re talking about baseball diamonds built in cornfields in Iowa, but it’s not going to cut it online.
No, you need to find ways to monetize your traffic. Luckily, there are all different kinds of approaches to do exactly that – building your own products and services, selling other people’s products and services, selling advertising, and a whole host of others.

Choosing your niche is everything

There are a lot of fantastic bloggers out there that have gone bottom-up simply because they didn’t choose their niche as wisely as they should have. They selected niches and readership marketplaces that were interesting to them, instead of finding out exactly what people wanted to learn about – and then tailoring their content towards that approach.

Do not make this mistake.

Finally, everything – EVERYTHING – comes down to marketing

Lastly (something that you have probably discovered about this career change at 50) is that you need to focus on marketing, selling, and building your business right alongside building your blog. The two go hand-in-hand if you want to make this a serious business endeavor, and one simply cannot succeed without the other.

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